Tradition and the Church
The Story of Sacred Tradition Unfolding Through The Ages
What exactly is Tradition? This is the only book we know on the subject. Published in 1928 by a priest with three doctors\' degrees, this book exposes all aspects of Tradition, so that once a person has read this book, he will never question the nature of Tradition again. Every priest, bishop and cardinal, every seminarian and everyone who considers himself to be an informed Catholic should also read this providential book---which is reappearing at a crucial time in the history of the Church, to help clarify our understanding about the nature of the Deposit of Faith and how we should all revere and cherish the Tradition of the Church!
The author was a Maltese priest who, in 1897, enrolled at the Gregorian University in Rome, where he became lifelong friends with his classmate Fr. Eugenio Pacelli, the future Pius XII. He was later invited to the newly created Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, where in 1902, he assumed duties as secretary and chancellor of the first bishop. Tradition and the Church is a book every Catholic should read in order to understand and appreciate how the Church has transmitted the Faith since apostolic times.