Latin Mass Society

Secondhand Books

We welcome donations of books of a traditional Catholic nature to sell in this second hand section. These might include missals, prayer books and other devotional material. Books on the Traditional Mass – from musical and liturgical angles - the Christian Classics, especially those written by saints, biographies of the saints or catechetics, to name but a few subjects. We are sorry but we do not have the facility to collect books but we welcome donations of books of any quantity, large or small, which can be hand-delivered or couriered to our office.

A Man Approved

Leo Trese

A conversational and personal reflection on different aspects of priesthood, published in 1952.


Angel Pavement

J. B. Priestley

Everyman's Library edition


Anselm of Canterbury: The Major Works

St Anselm of Canterbury

A one volume book containing the major works of St Anselm of Canterbury. Includes Monologion, Proslogion, and Why God Became Man. 



Arise from Darkness

Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R.

What To Do When Life Doesn't Make Sense.


By the Thames Divided

Mark Vickers

Cardinal Bourne in Southwark and Westminster.

A biography of Cardinal Bourne, Archbishop of Westminster (1903 - 1935).

Condition: Fine


Christian Ethics

C. Henry Peschke

Volume II. A Presentation of Special Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican II.


City of God

St Augustine

Introduction by Etienne Gilson. Abridged with a foreword by Vernon J. Bourke.


David: The Singer and the Songs

Sister Susan Asher

Explore the life and psalms of the first shepherd-king with Sister Susan Asher, spiritual director to the Legion of Mary and erstwhile head of R.E. in two Secondary Schools.


God's Traitors

Jessie Childs

God’s Traitors is a tale of dawn raids and daring escapes, stately homes and torture chambers, ciphers, secrets and lies.


Gregorian Chant

Father Daniel Saulnier

A Guide to the History and Liturgy.



Alister McGrath

Alister McGrath, Professor of Historical Theology at Oxford University, explores why the Church set its faith and hope on the idea that Jesus Christ is God incarnate.


Liber Brevior


With Rhythmic Signs of Solesmes.

Condition: Very Good. Red edges and two cloth markers. LMS sticker on inside front cover.




The Virgin Mary has been depicted with infinite variety throughout the centuries.


Mary Ward

Ida Goerres Coudenhove

English translation by Elsie Codd.

Catholic Book Club, 1938.

A few marks to boards. Signature and date to front end page.

Condition: Good


O Holy Night!


Masterworks of Christian Poetry. Edited by Johann Moser.

An anthology of Christmas poetry in English, covering twenty-eight centuries and sixty-four authors.


Portugese Pilgrimage

C. C. Martindale

A personal account of pilgrimage in Portugal.

Condition: Very Good



Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange

God's loving care for man and the need for confidence in Almighty God.


Psallite Sapientier

B. Andrew Mills

A Musician's Practical Guide to the 1962 Roman Missal.

A thorough and useful guide to music as part of the Mass.

Condition: Good


Rome and the Vatican

Cinzia Valigi

An illustrated guide to Rome and the Vatican, with full colour plates and 2 large posters enclosed.


Saints Who Saw Mary

Raphael Brown

Contains chapters detailing the stories of canonized Saints who saw and spoke with the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Condition: Very Good.


See. Judge. Act.


The Catholic Leadership Group Movement in the Royal Air Force.

A practical guide for Catholic leaders in the Royal Air Force.

Condition: Very Good


The Book of Destiny

Rev. Herman Bernard Kramer

An interpretation of St John's Book of Revelations that shows the Apocalypse to be a prophetic history of the Catholic Church.


The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described

Dom Alcuin Reid OSB

A revised and expanded edition of Adrian Fortescue's and J.B. O'Connell's classic ceremonial manual for the celebration of the traditional liturgy.


The Faith of the Early Fathers

William A. Jurgens

A source-book of theological and historical passages from Christian writings, in three volumes.

Volume 1: the Pre-Nicene and Nicene eras


The Fatima Prophecies

Thomas W. Petrisko

At the Doorstep of the World.


The Hidden Face

Ida Friederike Gorres

A Study of St Therese of Lisieux


The King and the Catholics

Antonia Fraser

The story of Catholic Emancipation begins with the violent Anti-Catholic Gordon Riots in 1780, fuelled by the reduction in Penal Laws against the Roman Catholics harking back to


The Man Born to be King

Dorothy L. Sayers

A Play-Cycle on the Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ written for broadcasting by Dorothy L. Sayers


The New Jerome Biblical Commentary


A commentary to be used in studying the Scriptures, including verse-by-verse commentary on all books in the Bible, complemented by topical articles.


The Soul of the Embryo

David Albert Jones

An enquiry into the status of the human embryo in the Christian tradition.


The Spirit of the Oxford Movement

Christopher Dawson

An introduction to the Anglo-Catholic movement in the 1830s, first published in 1933.

Condition: Fine.


The Wound of Love

A Carthusian

The Wound of Love provides background information on the Carthusian Order, including letters from St Bruno, its founder, and a reflection on Bruno's continuing signific


There Is No Rose

Fr. Aidan Nichols, O.P.

The Mariology of the Catholic Church.


We Do It For Jesus

E. Le Joly

Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity.

An account explaining the work and objectives of Mother Teresa and the work of the Sisters of the order she founded.


With Christ

Blessed Columba Marmion

An Anthology of the Writings of Blessed Columba Marmion.


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